How can we help support people in crisis?

1. Operation Corazon is now an approved non-profit with Amazon Smile. Every time you purchase through Amazon Prime, Amazon will give a percentage to us to help others. It doesn’t cost you any more than you would normally spend. Simply go to Smile.Amazon.Com and select Operation Corazon USA as your non-profit of choice.

2. Operation Corazon is now an approved non-profit organization on FaceBook. You can do a fundraiser and select Operation Corazon USA as your non-profit to raise money for. The money goes directly to Operation Corazon. If you do an event or have a birthday and want to raise money for a good cause, consider Operation Corazon.

3. Consider being a monthly giving partner with Operation Corazon USA. Through, you can select a recurring monthly payment amount. This will allow Operation Corazon to help more people in crisis.

How do we spend donations?

Operation Corazon is focused on helping people in crisis. We are currently helping people in need from the crisis in Venezuela. Your donation will be spent to:

1. Bring education to children of Venezuelan refugees or migrants.

2. Providing medical care, clothing and food for those in crisis.

3. Outreaches to bring the gospel, food, clothing and other needs to people in crisis around the world.

*** Information on impact of CoronaVirus. The global pandemic has made a difficult situation
for refugees even worse. At the same time, it has driven innovation at Operation Corazon USA. ***

1. Currently, we are raising money to help specific Venezuelan families in need. Fortunately, this can be done virtually and will most likely continue after the current situation.

2. We are using technology to teach children in need. Many of the refugee and migrant children can’t attend school and don’t have access to education. We are creating online curriculum to assist them. Already, classes are taking place with children in Trinidad.